• 於 14 歲時便開始跟隨師父學習廟宇各式泥作、剪粘,二十後自行創業之七年間活躍於台灣各地廟宇興建工程。
• 現任國立海事學校校工。
• 曾與秋茂園主一起建設遊樂區。
• 曾遠赴新加坡,參與廟宇工程。
• 畢業於長榮中學美工科與崑山技大空間設計系,擅植栽自然材料。
• 目目前開設景觀顧問公司。
• 於 14 歲時便開始跟隨師父學習廟宇各式泥作、剪粘,二十後自行創業之七年間活躍於台灣各地廟宇興建工程。
• 現任國立海事學校校工。
• 曾與秋茂園主一起建設遊樂區。
• 曾遠赴新加坡,參與廟宇工程。
• 畢業於長榮中學美工科與崑山技大空間設計系,擅植栽自然材料。
• 目目前開設景觀顧問公司。
編號 | 圖片 | 中文說明 | 英文說明 |
1 |
口咬令旗、持印璽,率領獅群,穿越三界,是決策、下達作戰指令之領袖。 |
Shuaiinzhangqi Sword-Lion-The Commander
A leader and commander. Carrying a pray flag and a seal in the mouth, Shuaiinzhangqi Sword-Lion travels among the heaven, earth and hell for commanding the troops. |
2 |
Xianfengshuangjian Sword-lion-The Vanguard
The lion runs the fastest among the sword-lions. When marching, it serves as a vanguard and reports the front conditions to the commander.
3 |
六帝護錢獅,以古代銅錢的外圓內方象徵天圓地方、表示天地與錢財,加上咬劍的意象,充分表達富足興旺、避邪、吉祥之意。 |
Lioudihuqian Sword-Lion-The Fortune
Lioudihuqian Sword-Lion carries a sword with a string of ancient coins in the mouth. This inner-square-outer-round shape of the ancient coin symbolizes prosperity and affluence to the whole world; the sword symbolizes warding off evils and calling the auspices. |
4 |
雲遊四海、法力無邊,口咬七星劍與拂塵,拂去世間煙塵。有千變萬化,不拘泥之意。 |
Xian Sword-Lion-The Fairy
Carrying a seven-star sword and a whisk in the mouth, Xian Sword-Lion travels around the world and possesses supernatural power. It symbolizes power over everything and be free to do everything.(a whisk is a sign of the Taoism immortals) |
5 |
葫蘆,為八仙鐵拐李所持有的法器。傳說葫蘆能驅邪、鎮煞,內裝丹藥可治病。本劍獅取名糊塗,乃取葫蘆之諧音。 |
Hutu Sword-Lion-The Sword-Lion with a calabash
The calabash is a Taoist instrument held by Iron Crutch Lee, one of the Eight Immortals in Chinese Taoist legends. According to the legend that the calabash can avoid or suppress the evil; besides, it is the container for medicine. Hereby, the Sword-Lion with a calabash symbolizes peace and health. The name of “ Hutu ” is the assonance of calabash in Chinese “ Hulu ”. |
6 |
口咬旗幟弄彩球,與吉慶獅為成對之神獸,二獅合而為祈求吉慶之意,求其天天是好日,日日皆平安。 |
Qiqiou Sword-Lion-Praying
Carrying a flag and playing a colorful ball in the mouth, Qiqiou Sword-Lion, together with Jiqing Sword-Lion, becomes a pair of Celestial animals. They symbolize praying for auspices and peace . The flag and the colorful ball in Chinese mean praying for good fortune and luck. |
7 |
傳說此劍獅由龍所化,持後天八卦得名。易理,以後天八卦為用,寓意為後人應順應天時、地利、人和,而成就人生大業。 |
Houtianbagua Sword-Lion-The Practiced Eight Trigrams
According to the legend that this Sword-Lion transformed from a dragon and got the name by holding a Practiced Eight Trigrams (King Wen sequence). In a famous ancient book called the Book of Changes, it says that people should obey the rules given by King Wen sequence Eight Trigrams to achieve a successful life. |
8 |
獅面龍爪,持先天八卦得名。先天八卦又稱伏羲八卦,一向廣為安平之劍獅所採用,可以作為門口擺設,也可以是住宅的辟邪物。 |
Xiantianbagua Sword-Lion -The Fu-Xi created Eight Trigrams
Xiantianbagua Sword-Lion has a lion face and dragon claws; it got the name by holding the Fu-Xi, who created Eight Trigrams. The Sword-Lions with Fu-Xi Eight Trigrams is the most popular one in Anping. Some were put on the door, and some were used for warding off evils.In Chinese mythology, Fu-Xi was the first of the Three Sovereigns in ancient China. |
9 |
此獅咬戟玩磬,與祈求獅為成對之神獸,二獅合而為祈求吉慶之意,求其天天是好日,日日皆平安。 |
Jiqing Sword-Lion-Happiness
Carrying a halberd in the mouth and playing a musical stone. Together with Qiqou Sword-Lion, Jiqing Sword-Lion becomes a pair of Celestial animals that symbolize praying for auspices and happiness. In Chinese , the halberd and the musical stone mean auspices and happiness. |
10 |
有一筆安天下的用意,鼓勵學子勤學好問,追求知識與智慧。 |
Shouhutianbi Sword-Lion-Celestial Pen
The Celestial Pen Sword-Lion is a symbol to encourage students to study diligently and to acquire knowledge to contribute to people’s lives. |
11 |
與守護天筆獅為一對,勉勵學子追求學問要能悟道,進而學以致用。 |
Shouhutianshu Sword-Lion-Celestial Book
Shouhutianshu Sword-Lion and the Celestial Pen Sword-Lion are a pail of lions to encourage students to pursue the truth and apply it in daily life. |
12 |
天眼獅以俐落清明的天眼觀看一切,關懷天下眾生。 |
Tianian Sword-Lion-Celestial Eyes
This Sword-lion observes the world with its clear eyes and concerns for every living creatures in the world. |
13 |
無極是太極前之混沌,再形成萬物,乃一切道之本源。在此勉勵人要重本思源,並承先啟後。 |
Uji Sword-Lion- The Origin of Tao
Uji was the chaotic condition before the world began; later, everything was formed. So Uji is the origin of Tao.
The Uji Sword-Lion reminds human beings to respect the origin, as well as carry on the heritage and create the future for the later generations.
14 |
太陽劍獅捧太陽咬七星劍,有「春潤大地,萬物皆回春」之意,象徵「開始和新生」。此為七政獅之一,七政者是七個星曜,即日、月、金、木、水、火、土是也。 |
Taiyang Sword-Lion -The Sun
Taiyang Sword-Lion holds the sun and carries a seven-star sword in the mouth. It stands for “ beginning ” and “ rebirth ”, meaning that the spring is coming and everything revives. |
15 |
太白獅有著多面銳利且剛硬的鬃毛,多以比喻兵戎,有鎮煞、守護的涵意。 |
Taibai Sword-Lion-Aurum Symbol
Taibai Sword-lion has sharp and hispid mane. It symbolizes the army, warding off the evils, and protecting people. |
16 |
歲星獅是青面獠牙的歲星,掌管所有藥草和植物;擁有高等的心智,以及樂觀、健康、繁榮的意象。 |
Sueixing Sword-Lion -Wood Symbol
This scary-faced Sword-Lion is in charge of all herbs and plants. It is intelligent and always stays positive. It is a symbol of health and prosperity. |
17 |
黑面的辰星屬水,是智慧與謀略的海神,擁有消災解困、治水禦火、護持武運及延年益壽的神力。 |
Chenxing Sword-Lion -Water Symbol
This black-faced Sword-lion is a wise sea-god. It has magic power over abating catastrophes, regulating rivers and watching fire ; furthermore, it protects the martial fortune and has the power over longevity. |
18 |
熒惑獅赤面雙劍,鎮守著各種災難,能夠逢凶化吉。 |
Inghuo Sword-Lion -Fire Symbol
The red-faced Sword-lion carries two swords in its mouth. It prevents people from disasters and can turn bad luck into good fortune. |
19 |
穏重的鎮星獅有個親和力十足的別名「阿土獅」。土則信,信者誠,誠者直,是一切事物的調停者,有著不怒而威的氣勢。 |
Zhenxing Sword-Lion -Soil Symbol
The staid Zhenxing Sword-lion has a funny nickname, A-Tu Sword-lion. As a mediator, the staid Zhenxing Sword-lion is reliable, serene and solemn. “ A-Tu ” is a very local and rural Taiwanese name. |
20 |
太陰獅主思考、謀略、個性平和、沉静、穏重,是獻策之獅。 |
Taiyin Sword-Lion (The Moon)
This Taiyin Sword-lion is calm, peaceful and resourceful. It is a symbol of thinking. It serves as a consultant. |
21 |
是獅群中的年長者,歷練豐富,足智多謀。德高望重,被賦予傳承經驗,提攜後進之重責。 |
Guuei Sword-Lion- The Senior
This is the most senior and highly respected sword-lion among all the sword-lions. Being wise and smart, It carries the duty to transmit experience and to educate the future generations. |
22 |
2012.12.12 校慶 |
God-blessed Sword-Lion
The persons who invented this Sword-lion: Huang Yan-kun, Chang Jing-bin The person who named this Sword-lion: Lin Yi-jhen Guarding the school, this God-blessed Sword-lion is a symbol of bringing prosperity and good fortune to the school. It has a lotus around its face, a golden ingot under its mouth, and two aerials on the top of its head. These two aerials allow the lion to report what has been happening on earth to the gods in the heaven, so that the gods of the heaven can bless teachers and students in this school. Because of this Sword-lion’s protection, everyone in this school is able to discover wisdom and spread luck to this world.
The 43th School Anniversary
December 12, 2012 |
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